CAD Software Computer software development Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:47:01 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 173829530 Which programming language to learn in 2020 ? Thu, 31 Dec 2020 15:22:00 +0000 Which programming language to learn to create a website? The freelance web developer should start by learning the 2 basic languages ​​of HTML and CSS. Then it all depends on your specialization: If you want to become a frontend developer: JavaScript will be a must for you! Do not hesitate to specialize in one or […]

L’article Which programming language to learn in 2020 ? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Which programming language to learn to create a website?

The freelance web developer should start by learning the 2 basic languages ​​of HTML and CSS.

Then it all depends on your specialization:

If you want to become a frontend developer: JavaScript will be a must for you! Do not hesitate to specialize in one or more JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, ReactJS or VueJS.

If you want to become a back-end developer: you will need to learn at least a language to communicate with the database (SQL) and a language to communicate with the server (PHP, Python or Go for example).
If you want to become a fullstack developer: you will have to learn all of this at the same time!

Which programming language to learn to develop a mobile application?

Again, several options are available to you. Indeed, you should know that the 2 leading operating systems on the smartphone market are iOS (apple) and android (samsung…). Both require different programming languages!

To develop an android mobile application, you will need to be proficient in Java. Note that the Kotlin is also used more and more.

To develop an iOS mobile application, you will need to learn Swift (recent language) or Objective-C (language that is tending to disappear)! Please note, to develop an iOS application, you must have a Mac computer.

Do you have a background as a web developer, and would like to create your android and iOS mobile application without having to go through learning Java or Swift?

Good news ! Today there are solutions for building cross-platform applications from web languages. Look at the technologies React Native, Ionic, Capacitor, Cordova or NativeScript, to name a few.

L’article Which programming language to learn in 2020 ? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

UNDERSTANDING THE BASIS OF AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:16:00 +0000 AI PHILOSOPHY:With the rise of computers, the manual labor process has been greatly reduced. Now that computers are used almost in all industries, humans depend heavily on them. As we are totally surrounded by machines and computer systems, it gave humans a general thought like “Can a machine think and behave like humans?” “. Although […]


With the rise of computers, the manual labor process has been greatly reduced.

Now that computers are used almost in all industries, humans depend heavily on them.

As we are totally surrounded by machines and computer systems, it gave humans a general thought like “Can a machine think and behave like humans?” “. Although this is a general thought, his curiosity led to the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

The development of AI began with the intention of developing intelligence in machines similar to those of humans.

The main objectives of AI are mentioned below:

Building expert systems: The systems mentioned here must be able to display intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain and provide users with the best advice.
Implementation of intelligence in machines: This aims to develop systems that can understand, think, learn and behave like humans.
According to the definition of AI, it is science and technology that are built on foundations such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics and engineering.

The main interest of artificial intelligence is to advance the computing functions associated with human intelligence, including reasoning, learning and problem solving.


All you need to know about Symfony technology ! Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:14:27 +0000 If you work on the web, you’ve probably already heard of Symfony. But what exactly is Symfony? Symfony is a PHP framework to build web applications. It’s a technology used by web developers to create applications or websites. Here is a more detailed presentation of the Symfony technology with some examples to better understand how […]

L’article All you need to know about Symfony technology ! est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

If you work on the web, you’ve probably already heard of Symfony. But what exactly is Symfony? Symfony is a PHP framework to build web applications. It’s a technology used by web developers to create applications or websites. Here is a more detailed presentation of the Symfony technology with some examples to better understand how it works and how to use it.

Why use the Symfony framework?
First of all, what is a framework? A framework is a “framework”, it simplifies the work of developers by offering them a toolbox to save time in development. In short, it allows you to build complex applications in a structured and fast way.

Symfony is therefore a PHP framework (web programming language) used to develop applications or websites. It is considered as one of the best framework in the creation of web applications because it allows more flexibility. It is also quite easy to learn, thanks to the numerous documentations available online. Moreover, the debugging tool on Symfony is powerful. Debugging is used to identify and correct your errors in the code. This tool saves you a considerable amount of time in the development phase of your application.

Moreover, Symfony technology also integrates innate security measures to fight against XSS, CSRF and SQL vulnerabilities and attacks. These are vulnerabilities that allow you to inject HTML code into poorly protected variables. This is also an advantage, compared to the use of simple PHP. Indeed, when you develop a website in PHP, you are obliged to protect each form manually. Thanks to Symfony, you don’t have to worry about that anymore, it does it systematically for you. As a result, your application or website is better protected from hackers, compared to CMS for example (WordPress, Wings or Joomla) which are quite common and whose architecture is more easily attackable.

Which applications have been developed with Symfony?
To give you an idea of the applications and websites developed with Symfony, in the list you’ll find applications known throughout France such as Blablacar, Dailymotion or Spotify.
But that’s not all, many agencies, like The Tribe, use this technology to develop web applications for their clients such as Allobeton, Case Law Analytics, or the payroll manager Listo.

L’article All you need to know about Symfony technology ! est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

8 essential tips to create a successful Website Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:09:53 +0000 A homepage brings many advantages and is today an absolute must for any company. It offers customers the opportunity to learn about your products and services without having to contact you directly or visit your office. This not only makes it easier for the customer to make a purchasing decision, but also saves time and […]

L’article 8 essential tips to create a successful Website est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

A homepage brings many advantages and is today an absolute must for any company. It offers customers the opportunity to learn about your products and services without having to contact you directly or visit your office. This not only makes it easier for the customer to make a purchasing decision, but also saves time and money, which would be necessary for a personal consultation.

Your own homepage also allows you to communicate offers. Via Google search engines, you can attract potential customers who are looking for a product or service that you offer. An up-to-date website that appeals to the customer visually and in terms of content will be more attractive and convincing. This will help you to achieve more turnover in the long term.

Define the use of your website

First of all, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
What do you want to achieve with your website? Is it an e-commerce website? A service website? Clearly define your objectives and benefits. This is the only way to develop a successful site. For example, if you want to gain more leads or get more contacts, you need to present your products in an attractive way. If you want to increase your sales on the Internet, simplify the payment process.

Optimize your content

SEO optimization helps you to position yourself in search engines. It is just as important as convincing the visitor of your website with the content.
Many websites today bore you with an uninteresting surplus of superfluous information. Try to attract your users with excellent content so that they come back to your site.
As far as SEO is concerned, you need to define exactly what you want to say. It plays a role in the choice of keywords and the vocabulary you use. At best, you should discuss it with an expert, because SEO is a world unto itself.
In the end, the user should think that he found your site by chance. And at best, stay on your site because the content convinces them. If you succeed, it means that your SEO and your content are performing well!

Build a thoughtful planning
Accurate planning is important in all areas. This helps to avoid unpleasant surprises. At every stage of the project, you need to know exactly what the next step is and what your budget is. In addition, the content and the idea should always be clear.
A mock-up (a sketch of your website) can very well illustrate what you are planning. Especially for developers or other partners involved. With this type of planning, you can see very clearly what the homepage and other pages should look like. You can also see the structure of the site and how the pages are linked.

Create a professional design
When the first content is established, you should turn to design. It is best to hire a professional consultant. Even if you want to be actively involved in decision making and design, you should trust the opinion of a professional. Graphic design serves the usability and visual proportions of the website to make it effective, aesthetic and easy to use.

Don’t forget “Mobile friendly” is essential.
Don’t forget to be mobile friendly. This means that your website must be clear and attractive on all media, including smartphones, this is called Responsive Design. This part is particularly strongly linked to the design of your website. As the mobile phone is becoming more and more important, you should not leave this advice to one side. Therefore, some experts advise you to start with the mobile version first and then move on to the web version. However, this varies from project to project.

Ensure easy handling
Easy navigation and fast loading time make a good website. If the visitor doesn’t find what he is looking for on the page, he will leave quickly. Important information and functions should therefore be directly visible. The loading time is also an important criterion, if it takes too long, the user will leave.
The provision of up-to-date content is just as essential. Keep your website up to date on a regular basis. Good page maintenance is very important for users. For example, create a Blog and upload news in the form of informative articles.

Test and get feedback from your partners and your audience.
External opinions are incredibly important in web development. You may be enthusiastic about your

L’article 8 essential tips to create a successful Website est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Which programming language to choose? Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:02:39 +0000 Knowledge of a programming language is an increasingly important asset on the job market, as the demand for software developers will increase by 17% in the coming years. However, when you start out in programming, you may be confused by the hundreds of languages you can choose from. That’s why an article published on The […]

L’article Which programming language to choose? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Knowledge of a programming language is an increasingly important asset on the job market, as the demand for software developers will increase by 17% in the coming years.

However, when you start out in programming, you may be confused by the hundreds of languages you can choose from. That’s why an article published on The Muse, gives advice on how to choose the right programming language.

The Muse explains that beginners in programming must ask themselves two questions: “What made me interested in this? “and “What do I want to do as a programmer? »

The answers to these questions will guide their first steps, and perhaps their entire career, as their choice of language will depend on these answers. Speaking of languages, here’s a list of the best known, to help you decide:


Python is an open source programming language interpreted on the server side and not compiled. Created by Guido van Rossum, it is used for web development, development of video games and other software, as well as for graphical user interfaces. It has been used in the creation of Instagram, YouTube and Spotify, among others, and is one of Google’s official programming languages.

Python has several advantages: it is the easiest programming language to learn; it has many tools and features that make programming easier.

However, it’s slower than compiled scripts, and is unsuitable for mobile software development. Its users often complain about its design, which requires more testing than other languages, and has errors that only appear at startup.


Java is probably the most well-known programming language. It is used by developers to create and run computer applications. It is probably running on your computer and on your web browser. It is also used on most other digital media (smartphones, consoles, software).

Developers with knowledge of Java are in high demand. The language is constantly evolving, so the challenge is constant. However, the Java language consumes much more memory than C++ and its simulations are slow. Moreover, it is not the easiest language to learn (although not the hardest either).


Created between 1969 and 1973, it is one of the oldest programming languages. It supports structured programming, lexicon variations and recusions, while a static type system prevents many accidental operations. This language is used for operating systems, software development, and hardware.

The C language has the advantage of allowing the development of software that can run on different platforms without too many modifications. Moreover, it is quite simple and can be integrated on almost any modern microprocessor.

The biggest advantage of this language is that almost all contemporary programming languages are more or less derived from it. Thus, once one knows the C language, other languages become much simpler. But the C language has no verification mechanism regarding execution, does not support object-oriented programming (which is the reason why the C++ language was created), and is not very easy to learn.


C++ is an object-oriented programming language (filling the gaps of the C language) considered the best language when it comes to creating large-scale applications. It is notably used to develop software, operating systems, video games and search engines. Learning this language will get you noticed and allow you to program an application that will work while respecting your computer’s capabilities.

On the other hand, it is important to know that C++ is a very difficult language to learn because it is very complex.


JavaScript is often used as a client-side scripting language, which means that its code is embedded in an HTML page. When a user displays a page with JavaScript, the script is sent to the browser, which must then react. JavaScript is found in site fronts, analytics tools, widgets and web interactions. This programming language is very easy to learn, and can be used with other languages. In addition, its functions can be executed immediately. The only drawbacks are the fact that JavaScript can be exploited as a security breach, and the fact that it can be interpreted differently by different browsers.


C# is a powerful and flexible programming language, which can be used for various software and applications. With this language, you can usually develop whatever you want. In addition, with the .NET library, you have access to a large directory of features. This is not the only advantage: the structure you learn with C# is based on C, so it can be transferred to other programming languages. Like C++, C# is difficult to learn and has no cross-platform capabilities. But it’s worth the effort because the coders who master it are among the most in demand.


Ruby is a general-purpose, object-oriented, dynamic and reflective programming language. It is used for graphical user interfaces, web applications and web development. Ruby is appreciated by coding beginners because it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, and has an extensive library of tools and features. In addition, there is a real community around the language, with Ruby enthusiasts meeting both on the Internet and in person. However, even these enthusiasts recognize that Ruby is slow, that there’s little good documentation on it, and that applications developed with it are less powerful than those developed with Java or C.


PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development, but also as a general purpose programming language. It is easy to learn, and has a large community. Moreover, it works well with databases, file systems, images, etc. Nevertheless, this code has big flaws: because of its ease, novices tend not to use it properly, not to mention the fact that some of the open source code is very old. PHP is also slower than its competitors, and its error handling is very bad.


Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds a Smalltalk style messaging to the C language. It is Apple’s main programming language for the OS X and iOS operating systems and their programming interfaces. Objective-C has the advantage of giving access to Apple’s development libraries. Moreover, programs developed with Objective-C are more dynamic, and can make their own decisions about memory and data. However, this language cannot be used on other platforms, and is long and difficult to learn.

In summary, Python is the easiest language to learn, C++ is the most powerful, Javascript is the most requested, and Java has the best longevity.

In addition to comparing the advantages and disadvantages of programming languages, don’t forget to consider the career opportunities they can offer you. You have a lot to gain!

L’article Which programming language to choose? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

The 5 advantages of hiring a consultant Wed, 25 Nov 2020 14:56:07 +0000 Hiring a consultant… You’ve thought about it, but never dared take the plunge. Is it worth it? The answer is yes. In fact, we give you five distinct advantages to using Triple Boris’ consulting services. Consultant = complementarity A consultant usually comes with a start date and an end date. It means that this specialist […]

L’article The 5 advantages of hiring a consultant est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Hiring a consultant… You’ve thought about it, but never dared take the plunge. Is it worth it? The answer is yes. In fact, we give you five distinct advantages to using Triple Boris’ consulting services.

Consultant = complementarity

A consultant usually comes with a start date and an end date. It means that this specialist is there temporarily to perform a specific task or meet a particular need. For example, by hiring a consultant, you avoid putting too much pressure on the shoulders of your permanent employees during periods of overload and preserve harmony in the office. In fact, staff rarely see the consultant as a threat. There is no jealousy or competition. Rather, he is seen as a valuable asset.

Consultant = objectivity

Because he is not part of the company, a consultant has the skills required to paint an objective picture of the situation. He does not allow himself to be influenced by his personal interests; he looks at each intervention or element without preconceived ideas. By choosing a consultant, you get unbiased solutions that are often off the beaten track. Think outside the box

Consultant = expertise

A consultant is a specialist in a given field. By hiring a professional, you get his expertise. You benefit from his experience and advice. A consultant will suggest new approaches, but most of all, you will avoid many headaches. (No, it’s not always possible to take care of everything yourself…)

At Work On my Home, our consultants have access to the team’s collective memory at all times. In other words, our employees on assignment can always count on the support of their colleagues in the office when a problem arises. It’s part of our corporate philosophy. Alone, we go faster. Together, we go further!

Consultant = efficiency

A consultant is a flexible, available and, above all, autonomous person. He or she is there for the duration of the project or task to be accomplished. His goal? To complete the mandate according to the schedule and the rules of the trade. You renew his services only if necessary. He won’t be angry if you no longer need him. It will mean that he has achieved his goal. On an assignment, the consultant has no advantage in dragging out the files. His mandate is to put out fires and sometimes even save the furniture. In short, there’s no question of wasting time!

Consultant = economy

You think it’s expensive, a consultant? Yeah, it’s not cheap. That said, it’s worth the expense if you avoid overburdening your employees with tasks they will do halfway due to a lack of time or knowledge. You are paying for valuable time only. You also save a multitude of unpleasant costs: insurance, CNESST, payroll deductions, Employment Insurance and pension plan contributions, vacation, sick leave, etc.

In addition, you have the opportunity to discuss payment terms with the consultant. A significant advantage!

L’article The 5 advantages of hiring a consultant est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Why create a mobile app ? Wed, 25 Nov 2020 14:52:56 +0000 Entrepreneurship is booming more than ever. Moreover, mobile applications are living in a golden age. So it makes sense to want to create an application and be a successful entrepreneur. It is even a necessity for new and innovative entrepreneurs. You may not yet know why you should be a mobile entrepreneur and dedicate yourself […]

L’article Why create a mobile app ? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Entrepreneurship is booming more than ever. Moreover, mobile applications are living in a golden age. So it makes sense to want to create an application and be a successful entrepreneur. It is even a necessity for new and innovative entrepreneurs.

You may not yet know why you should be a mobile entrepreneur and dedicate yourself to creating an innovative application. Well, we’ll give you a lot of reasons for that. And we’ll try to convince you, make no mistake!

What are the reasons to create a mobile app ?

Whatever the reason, being an entrepreneur in the mobile sector is fashionable and is booming in the global entrepreneurship, start-ups and companies are concerned. If you’re determined to get started, but aren’t sure if creating an app might be the best way to get started, we give you ten reasons why creating an app is perfect for you.

More complete access to information

First, we will include full access to information, in both directions, through this application. In other words, if you are the user, you will have all the information you need through the application. On the other hand, if you’re the one who’s going to create a mobile application, you’ll have individualized information about potential customers and you’ll be able to cover a larger market share.

Create an application better than the desktop version

No one doubts that the digital world is one of the strongest hotbeds of business creation today. In fact, there are many companies that have been turning to digital in recent years. Even if today being on every computer is important, it is important to go beyond that and be on every mobile device.

One of the advantages of having a mobile version is simply the volume or size of the application or web application development. Ultimately, this mobile version is much smaller in size and therefore simpler, more concise and easier to load if optimized for smartphones and tablets. Furthermore your website must be optimized for mobile, otherwise Google will penalize you.

Provide a better user experience

Another advantage of creating a mobile application is that mobile environments offer a better user experience. Due to many factors: speed, customization, tailored results, accurate geolocation, more modern design, regular updates, etc.. Despite this, much remains to be improved and optimized to take full advantage of the mobile experience. Therefore, you need to create an application to take advantage of everything we’ve discussed and undertake it with great success.

You offer mobility

Of course, this is the most important advantage of mobile devices. They are appreciated by their users for that and that’s why starting and creating a mobile application is a good idea. The concept of mobility is based on the ability to take your company or business anywhere and access it on your device with a data connection whether it’s a game, a social network and an internal tool of your entity.

Available 24/7: Anytime, from anywhere in the world.

As we said, full-time availability is another advantage of creating mobile applications. It’s even more important than the fact that it’s accessible from the office. One of the strengths is the ability to access it when you have a time during the day. For example, when you’re waiting for a friend, at the supermarket or on the road.

Personalization, adapted to each objective and each user

Each user is different, so the information you receive from each one will be different. It is therefore very important to know your mobile user, analyze and act accordingly. It will also have to be taken into account during the development of the application. If you want to improve your project and offer the right functionality at the right time, you need to interpret the analyses you will collect.

Being a successful entrepreneur in this sector also means that you will not have all the knowledge to interpret the data and customize the service to your app users. To create a mobile application, you will also need to find experts in the industry who will help you succeed in your project.

Individualized. Only one person is needed for an application
To individualize you need to customize and create an application in line with your target audience and purpose. For example, creating an application for the automotive world will not be the same as creating an m-commerce application.

In addition, you will offer personalized content on your mobile application. If someone uses an m-commerce application to search for jeans, but does not complete the purchase, you can customize a notification and offer a small discount to complete the purchase.

You can have an online store or a mobile platform

Although many entrepreneurs don’t think about it at first, you can start your business directly on mobile devices. In fact they often succeed easily, when the idea is good and cover a need related to mobility.

But there are many cases of m-commerce stores that do not have a desktop or mobile version. Simply being present in smartphones and tablets, allows you to increase your sales! A good example is the Venca application, which very quickly managed to increase its sales thanks to the application and now surpasses the web.

The strong growth of the mobile industry

As you know, the mobile sector (iphone android) is growing steadily and is unlikely to slow down. Therefore, creating a profitable application is always a good way to get started in entrepreneurship.

You have Yeeply at your side to help you

Finally, if you still have doubts about the application creation process and don’t know who to start your project with: We are here! You can contact us. As experts in app creation and more generally in the mobile sector, we can help and advise you throughout the application creation process while defining a solid mobile marketing strategy. We offer you qualified designers in order to have a good design of your application and offer a unique experience to your users.

Now that you have all the elements, get started!

L’article Why create a mobile app ? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Why you need to create an e-commerce shop! Wed, 25 Nov 2020 14:49:53 +0000 You are a merchant and you don’t see the point of creating an e-commerce site in addition to your store? Yet the web brings multiple opportunities to local businesses. An e-commerce site represents an extension of their activity and not a totally separate service. Still not convinced? Here are 5 good reasons to open an […]

L’article Why you need to create an e-commerce shop! est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

You are a merchant and you don’t see the point of creating an e-commerce site in addition to your store? Yet the web brings multiple opportunities to local businesses. An e-commerce site represents an extension of their activity and not a totally separate service.

Still not convinced? Here are 5 good reasons to open an e-commerce site in addition to your store!

Reach new customers

An e-commerce site, in addition to adding a sales channel, is also an important vector of communication. With a digital presence, your store and your brand become visible nationally if the referencing is optimized. You can then capture new customers who didn’t know you and who discover you during an online search.

With the web, you talk to your current and potential customers everywhere and all the time, whether they are looking for your products from a computer or a smartphone, whether they are at work, on the road or at home.

Create and bring together an online community of buyers

The web makes it easier to gather and retain your customers. Whether by using social networks or your web customer database, you get new ways to communicate with them, offer them promotions and build loyalty: newsletters, discount codes, community management to keep them informed… The communication methods are more numerous and more reactive than with a simple paper mailing, and they bring a more precise targeting.

Generate more store visits

With a web presence, you increase your visibility and can therefore acquire more visits in store.
This can be indirectly with local referencing, which will make your store appear on Google Map and make your shop known. Or the e-commerce site can be a direct vector of visits, notably with the click-&-collect function, or in-store booking to try products on the spot.

Increasing your catchment area, making your products known nationally

Think bigger! With an e-commerce site, the notion of catchment area widens and becomes national! With home delivery options, you can acquire customers from the other end of France. You can then make your products known to a much wider audience, and even have a cross-border or international reach if you have the strategy.

Increase your global business by adding a sales channel

While an e-commerce site connected to your store can be a significant upfront investment, the addition of this sales channel is a real driver for your business. You increase your overall sales, both online and in-store, acquire new customers, increase their loyalty… The web is now anchored in consumer habits, don’t deprive yourself of it!

Moreover, with an e-business solution, you can manage web and store stocks from the same interface, while connecting them to your checkout. All information on your products and stocks being synchronized between the e-commerce site and the store, you have a coherent sales strategy on all channels.

An e-commerce site has the advantage of not depending on the “physical” hazards of a store to sell: store work or in the street, days when the store is closed, holidays, orders continue to be made online! You just have to take into account the specificities of online sales (preparation and sending of parcels, e-reputation management, e-marketing), but an e-merchant is above all a merchant. So grow your business with this online presence!

Do you want to create an online shop connected to your store?
Contact now our freelance team, Work On my home.

L’article Why you need to create an e-commerce shop! est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WITH VISUALS? Sun, 06 Sep 2020 09:32:00 +0000 Are you tired of publishing content that nobody reads? How I understand you! Creating relevant content for your audience takes time! And you don’t necessarily have any… What if I told you that it is possible to attract a targeted audience other than with the blog posts you write? I would even say that it […]

L’article HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WITH VISUALS? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Are you tired of publishing content that nobody reads? How I understand you! Creating relevant content for your audience takes time! And you don’t necessarily have any…

What if I told you that it is possible to attract a targeted audience other than with the blog posts you write? I would even say that it is the essential complement to any content creation!

That’s why you’re going to retain your audience, and knock out your competitors…

I won’t make you wait any longer and I’ll tell you the secrets of a successful communication… A communication that naturally attracts your target customers, because it looks like them!

Identifying your target consumers
Do you know how important it is to target your content if you want it to be read? Because no content in the world will be relevant to Internet users if it doesn’t meet the needs of a specific customer target.

The good news is that you can attract more customers if you focus your efforts in the right place! The bad news is that you’re going to have to define what we call in marketing your persona.

A persona corresponds to potential customers, who are likely to buy your products/services. It is not a question of doing a market study, but of defining the archetype of your ideal customer.

In order for your target audience to recognize themselves in the content you publish on your website and on your social networks, you must be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is his name?
  • How old is he or she?
  • What is their profession?
  • What is their monthly salary?
  • What are his passions?
  • What is his most painful problem at the moment?
  • What has he tried to do to solve his problem?

To help you create your target customer, you can use Hubspot’s online tool . In a few minutes, you have created a proper client avatar and can take the next step of adopting targeted communication for your audience.

Targeting potential customers with a communication that looks like them
Now that you know your target audience better, you need to use their communication codes. Your prospect must be able to recognize himself in your content, otherwise he will simply go to the competition to find out if the grass is greener elsewhere!

Your ideal customer is part of a group, which uses very specific codes to distinguish itself within its “tribe”.

If I take for example a digital marketing strategy that targets web entrepreneurs, I will be able to identify them thanks to the language they use. They will talk about inbound marketing, conversion rates, social media, niche markets and persona.

Their industry requires them to keep themselves informed at all times, so they are used to consuming written, video and audio content.

Here’s what they now expect from content:

to be relevant to them
that the content goes straight to the point (or on the contrary, that it details by the menu the smallest details of a proven method)
be pictured, because they have already seen and read a lot of things on the internet.
With a target audience that operates in the web domain, you will create content that responds to its own codes (i.e. text, visual, audio and video).

Now let’s look at how to create content that appeals to your target audience, without having to chase after them?

Build audience loyalty with visual content

Every human being on Earth needs to feel something and to be part of a group. When a brand creates a trend, all its competitors usually take the same path.

Where they are wrong is that each brand is unique. It is by adopting its own way of communicating that a brand differentiates itself. Based on this principle, copying your little friends is useless!

In order for your target audience to buy into your brand, you need to convey a strong message that unites them around common interests.

That’s all well and good, but how do you do it in practice?

In reality, you don’t need “much”. The only guideline is to adopt your own style and stick to it!

Start by defining (or redefining) the graphic charter of your website. You have selected a few colors, then 2 or 3 typographies.

Then come the types of visuals. Are they sleek, colorful, flamboyant, corporate? Every time you publish content on your website or on your social networks, your ideal customer must be able to recognize you at first glance!

And for those who want to work on their site for natural referencing, read this article on how to optimize your images and videos.

Reaching your targets in the heart of your business to win loyal customers

You have now reached the last step (and not the least!): communicating to get your audience hooked, even in a competitive industry!

Every time you create content (email marketing, articles, social media publications), you need to reach a targeted audience. This means that your content must be oriented to reach your customers at their heart.

For example, by supporting your words with animated (or not) images, you’ll end up convincing them that your product is exactly what they need.

For a marketing communication strategy to be really effective, the images you insert in your newsletters, articles and on your website pages are a way to support your words even more.

Your potential prospects expect more. They are looking for a unique user experience, a brand image that reflects them.

While doing my research, I found a site that should meet your expectations…

Gifing is a platform that offers animated GIFs and videos specially designed to convert… That is to say that when you integrate these formats in your texts, mailings, or web pages, you can be sure that the message you send to your audience will have a much stronger impact than you could do with “lambda” visuals, found on royalty-free image banks.

Are you ready to implement your conquest strategy through targeted and sales-oriented visuals?

L’article HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WITH VISUALS? est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

7 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES TO BE (FINALLY) VISIBLE Sun, 09 Aug 2020 09:39:00 +0000 Is it necessary to adopt inbound marketing to generate leads, more sales, more visitors on its site, more subscribers to its email list, more customers on its social networks? Is influence marketing a more viable solution? Should a blog, social networks or paid advertising be preferred? Natural referencing maybe… I’m still hesitating in reality! STOP! […]

L’article 7 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES TO BE (FINALLY) VISIBLE est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.

Is it necessary to adopt inbound marketing to generate leads, more sales, more visitors on its site, more subscribers to its email list, more customers on its social networks?

Is influence marketing a more viable solution? Should a blog, social networks or paid advertising be preferred? Natural referencing maybe… I’m still hesitating in reality!

STOP! You have too many ideas in your head, and when that happens to you, you scatter! How I understand you ! It’s difficult to choose one strategy over another.

To help you make the right choice, I present here 7 effective digital marketing strategies to gain visibility on the net. Are you ready?

Digital marketing strategy #1: Implementing an effective content strategy

Having a blog part on your website is a must if you want to be visible on the web!

Thanks to an inbound marketing strategy of content creation (which consists in attracting customers to you, rather than prospecting), you demonstrate your expertise in your field and inspire confidence.

A well-structured editorial planning and relevant newsletters will help you offer your readers content to solve their problems.

Each publication must be qualitative and above all attract the reader’s attention so that they remember you. And for that, I have a simple and easy tip!

What you may not know is that studies have shown that GIFs increase the opening rate of an email by 19%. Ads with GIFs also convert much better…

But how can such results be explained?

It is finally quite logical: 60% of the population is “visual” and 10% kinesthetic (which retains sensory/emotional information better). GIFs attract the eye and provide emotions.

The impact of GIFs in a content strategy is all too often minimized, despite the “power” of attraction they have. With GIFs, your readers will remember you! And that’s exactly what we’re looking for!

Take the test by yourself and visit this site to get an idea of what you could integrate into your content… The GIFs offered have been specially designed to increase the conversion rate!

Digital marketing strategy #2: Publish on social networks

Are social media your best lever to be visible on the net in 2020? The answer is a big YES!

People wrongly think that social networks are dead, that it is difficult to make a place for oneself on them. And that may indeed be true… at least in terms of making a quick breakthrough on some already saturated networks.

I’m not saying that this marketing strategy is easy to set up, and that you’ll get immediate results, in a snap of the fingers.

Social networks require a lot of time and investment, because you need to create engaging content and above all interact with your audience.

The good news is that you don’t have to be on ALL social media! In fact, it’s better to only publish on one network and master it thoroughly before moving on to another.

If you really want your customers to find you, you have to be where they are! This is the basis of inbound marketing: you are essential, because you are present where your persona is.

On which social media is your ideal customer and how can they find YOU? When and why does he connect to social networks? Ask yourself the right questions to make your strategy really effective.

Digital Marketing Strategy #3: Targeting your audience with influence marketing

What is influence marketing? Do you know what the term influencer means? Yes ? Well, influence marketing is about making yourself visible by adopting a strategy that puts you and your company in the spotlight.

People are fond of backstage, backstage. They want to know who they’re talking to. People with similar backgrounds to yours need reassurance. And that’s good, because your background will inspire and motivate them.

Of course, if you adopt this web marketing strategy, you have to be willing to reveal yourself. That’s why it’s not for everyone.

Influence marketing is very often focused on video, and for good reason… Influencers film themselves, film their daily life to take their audience with them.

Don’t confuse them with dream sellers! Professional influencers don’t spend their time slumped over an inflatable poolside buoy, sipping vintage Champagne! In reality, they really work.

This type of marketing strategy is time-consuming, because it requires spending a lot of time creating content – mainly videos, which is a format that rocks – and then sharing it, building loyalty and exchanging with a community that is in high demand.

Digital marketing strategy #4: Promote your products / services through advertising

Another unstoppable technique to gain visibility on the web: promotion through advertising.

Contrary to what we tend to believe, it is not necessary to invest crazy amounts of money in advertising to get quick results.

For example, if you create Google adwords campaigns (paid referencing) to increase the visibility of your website, you will only need (at first) a budget of tens/hundred euros to see more visitors flock to your site.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest advertising campaigns are also a great way to promote your content and reach a much larger audience.

Of course, nothing is ever easy! If you want to avoid losing your money, you need to train yourself (or delegate to professionals). If you throw yourself headlong without any notion, you risk throwing your money out of the windows…

Your ads must be attractive, conveying a message that your customers will like, otherwise they will have no impact.

Keep in mind your main objective: to attract customers who are really interested and ready to take action. Tourists” won’t bring you anything and will waste your time and money!

Digital marketing strategy #5: Develop your branding

Branding… kesako? If you’ve been surfing the internet for a while looking for THE web marketing strategy that will make you rich and famous, you’ve obviously already heard about personal branding or brand branding.

Otherwise, you should know that branding consists in creating a strategy that revolves around your own person or your brand (not to be confused with influence marketing).

For example, take the Innocent brand, which makes smoothies. They were able to create an emulation around their brand and their history, with offbeat content. And you know what? It works really well!

The idea isn’t to invent stories about your career and that of your company. It doesn’t work, because people are not fooled!

On the other hand, if you use good storytelling, if you tell your story and your audience recognizes yourself in what you say, you’ve won everything!

Your prospects will be hooked on your content. They will know that you understand them and that you are THE right person to help them.

People love stories. They want to know why you do what you do. By doing so, you give them the reasons to buy from you and create a real “tribe” that will be ready to follow you everywhere!

Digital marketing strategy #6: Leverage natural referencing

When we start a website, we often naively believe that the Internet users will flock in mass from the very first days. Nothing is more false, unless you already have a certain notoriety on the internet!

In order for your website and blog to meet readers who are really interested in what you offer, you need to promote your content. But you have to admit that this is very time-consuming and not very viable in the long term.

Another solution is available to you: natural referencing (from its little name SEO for Search Engine Optimization). If you don’t know what it is yet, here is a quick definition.

Search Engine Optimization is a set of elements that allow your website to position itself in first place on search engines (hello Google!).

You must be aware that it takes time before you get the first results. However, as soon as your site begins to gain notoriety in the eyes of Google, you will receive qualified traffic to your site, without any further promotional effort. Pretty tempting, isn’t it?

Optimizing your natural SEO is essential if you want to be visible on the web.

Digital marketing strategy #7: Networking

When we work on the net, we sometimes tend to forget about physical networks. However, networking is frighteningly powerful!

Imagine yourself receiving calls from prospects, without doing anything, thanks to the recommendations from your network… No need to prospect anymore, no need to put in a lot of effort to develop your visibility, because your knowledge is working for you!

A satisfied customer is the best ambassador for a company!

Learn how to pitch your project, your story and your offer. A good pitch makes you more comfortable when you go to networking events that could bring you new customers.

Also don’t waste your time networking for networking’s sake… I mean that not all gatherings and events will serve you well.

Think strategically: who is your target customer? What events does he or she attend? Trade fairs, conferences, entrepreneurial aperitifs…?

Be creative and meet the right people. And the right people are not always the ones you think they are! A business partner, with a complementary activity to yours will be just as useful in getting to know you as a convinced customer!

Now it’s up to you to define your main marketing objective that will allow you to reach your annual goals. You now know what you have to do

L’article 7 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES TO BE (FINALLY) VISIBLE est apparu en premier sur CAD Software.
